Chronicles of the charming potato

Outdated practise in a modern world

As an avid people observer I have found some fascinating theme since COVID left us. It made me think to myself, I wonder if anyone else thought about these and/or if they’d have solutions to these very first world problems.

Observation 1

The world is smaller than ever and we, are lonelier than ever. I could pull out some great statistics about how astoundingly lonely we are in the history of humanity but I want to speak to the human in you and not the data robot.

We’re all addicted to the screens in one way or another and have started to blur the lines between the virtual and real. In this futuristic world the future to me looks bleak. The kids of today have Ipads and phones that they’re glued to and I want nothing more than to be able to see them play outside with real kids. Those of us working from home are at even more of a risk to the isolating factors of this lonely epidemic. (ps i’m VERY PRO working from home i think it has GREAT benefits).

We were locked within a space that was our comfort, with our necessities. For some of us we even had the miracle of spending unfiltered time with our loved ones that otherwise was only possible in the time of paid holiday(s). As the restrictions lifted I fear a small/big part of us stayed locked behind. I for one can certainly attest to a behaviour and preference change. I used to LOVE parties and crowded places – I will run a mile from them now. Exploring the professional side, I didn’t particularly like the office but working from home meant I could do more great work within my own space at my pace and spend quality time with those that I cherish. I missed the “water-cooler” chats and impromptu coffees but I’d happily trade that to work from my own sanctuary now. Perhaps it is a part of growing up now or perhaps its a consequence of the blip years of 2020 – 2021.

In an age with apps being released in the thousands every single day, which one will help restore the human connection?

Observation 2

Instant gratification. Doom scrolling and micro dopamine hits are ruining the human elements of us. Actually, not only is it ruining us on a personal & physical level but also professionally.

More people are unhappy with their jobs than ever. Shall we take a second to thing why? With readily available gratifications at the tip of our fingertips, our professional work models are so far behind that’s quite concerning for the future of the work space. *ANNUAL* Reviews for performances and pay cycles still exist in most places in the modern day. I don’t know about you but I struggle remembering what I was doing last week let alone the work I’ve accomplished in the year.

This opens us up to “latest event bias” – (non technical term of course). At the time of pressure of performance reviews we remember what happened closer to that time and forget the great work from the past. Naturally this is great if we made a mistake that we want to “forget” about but it’s not great for those wanting to get ahead.

Lets forget about this example and let me start another stream of thought. I have the pleasure and misfortune of working within the digital domain. That includes things like building software, companies, products that are keeping the future in mind. YET. Every single company and project I have worked with, feels more useless and outdated than ever. – Exercise, close your eyes for a min and imagine a time you’re boss mis-sold something, botched a deadline or just crumbled under the pressure and became that “yes” human. – Dopamine release for the one for a “win” – stressful times ahead for the many – the team is screwed.

We provide the illusion to the world that we want to keep up with the ever evolving world when in reality we’re terrified of it. We are not equipped as a work force to deal with all the modern technologies and how that’ll impact current processes and the ways of the world. Leadership team are often disjointed and that’s leaving teams frustrated and quite frankly disappointed. If we cannot put our egos aside for the greater good of the teams than, honestly, AI is the last thing we should worry about.

How can we then evolve our work places to make the lives of these modern humans better?

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