Chronicles of the charming potato

Who Am I?

My Story

Hi friend.

Contrary to the title, I am, in fact, a human – a human that has been around for more than three decades, in fact. I do regular human things like breathing, eating, and occasionally having an existential crisis.

I was getting rather tired of scrolling through the preachy and heroic posts on LinkedIn from industry experts in just about everything, so I decided I needed another separate space. A space where I can’t taint my professional credibility among the traditional corporate creatures but I could talk about the problems of normal human Potato while exercising a bit of creativity.

I even have those peculiar traits that you so very much love to preach about – neurodivergence. Dyslexia and ADHD – so if you spot grammatical inconsistency and spelling mistakes, know that I really did try to tackle them for you. The reason I’m telling you about my peculiar traits is so you understand that for me, doing this is one and the same. I do not have a boundary that most you are privileged with. When I get involved in something, I do it a whole-hearted 150% – all or nothing. Thus, when the disappointment of life surfaces, I take them very personally. It’s okay, though, because I’m well adapted to this and so this 4th iteration of my coping mechanism was born.

You’ll learn about my outlook, my ideas, and some of my solutions in this space of the virtual world. Remember to take everything with a pinch of salt and remember all the content on this site is my own opinion and is not meant to offend anyone – unless well if the shoe fits 😜

All my love,
CP x